St. Louis School is committed to academic excellence in curriculum and instruction. Our goal is to provide quality, research-based programs that prepare and inspire each child to become a lifelong learner. The curriculum designed provides strong foundational skills necessary for academic achievement and provides faith-based experiences that engage students to live their Christian faith by serving others.
St. Louis School curriculum is designed to promote critical thinking and problem solving in ways that encourage intellectual growth and affirm the dignity of each person. Our academic program is supported by our certified teachers, academic intervention teachers as well as dedicated classroom aids. Subject areas include: English, Language Arts, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Music, Art, Physical Education and Library.
Faith Based Learning
The academic program is supported by Instructional Coaches and Academic Intervention teachers, including the Math Specialist and the Reading Specialist.
A full-time registered nurse is on staff to maintain and oversee health initiatives and to provide health services for the students.